Asaranayanta pihitaveema sinhala essay
There are many helpless people in our country. The helpless are not just beggars. At times there may be other people who are grieving. If there is no one to lend a hand, he is helpless when he falls into trouble. Therefore, it is our duty to do some service to such a helpless, poor person.
There are many people who have suffered due to natural disasters. People who are mentally and physically handicapped are also helpless. Helping people like this is a valuable habit.
The beggar is certainly a helpless person. Most of them are not employed for their daily livelihood so they have no way to earn money. They ask for food, clothes and money for their needy family members. So it is our duty to ask for help and help when they come to us.
Our country is not a rich country. There are a lot of people here who can’t even prepare their daily diet. Others have nothing to cover their bodies. Some have no homes. The helpless beggars spend the night on the sidewalks of the city. Some elderly people are also helpless.
The Department of Social Services is trying to help these needy people. It supports some of them. Most of the helpless people get Samudhi relief from the government. That very small amount is not enough for their livelihood. This is why rich people should help.
There are many rich people who just do not look at helpless people. They chase away beggars without even giving them food to eat. It is a very bad habit. As children, we should always try to help the needy.
Sinhala essays (Sinhala Rachana grade 5) for Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7
We are excited to announce that we are working with more new features to guide parents and students on essay writing.
Writing is one of the essential skills for your child’s education.
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So we are preparing simple and important guidelines to teach essay writing to your children at home and hope to publish as soon as possible.
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