Our Home garden

Our Home garden English essay

Our Home garden English essay

(1) There are various types of colourful flowers in our garden.

(2) My mother waters those flowers daily

(3) My father cleans our home garden every Sunday.

(4) There are many small birds in our home garden in the morning.

(5) There is a separate place for them to have their food.

(6) There are many fruits and vegetables in our home garden.


English essays for Grade 2 (Class 2), Grade 3 (Class 3), Grade 4 (Class 4), Grade 5 (Class 5), Grade 6 (Class 6), Grade 7 (Class 7)

We are excited to announce that we are working with more new features to guide parents and students on essay writing.

Writing is one of the essential skills for your child’s education.
Unfortunately, classroom settings frequently don’t give sufficient practice time to sharpen those writing abilities truly.
So we are preparing simple and important guidelines to teach essay writing to your children at home and hope to publish as soon as possible.


The e-thaksalawa is made up of resources developed straightened to grade 1 to 13 syllabus materials such as creative lessons, all learning resources including past papers, term papers, questions, syllabuses, textbooks, teacher instructional manuals in Sinhala Tamil and English.

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